No Butts about it!

Eco-Friendly Practices at LFK


Cigarettes Are the Most Common Debris, and there is no Butts About It!

Cigarette butts are the most common form of debris found on beach cleanups. For well over 25 years, cigarette butts have topped the list of items collected during waterfront cleanups. Just last year alone more than 2.4 MM cigarette butts were found during the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC).

While cigarettes sales in Honduras and around the world have decreased, the amount of cigarette butts found near the water's edge remains virtually the same. Many people assume cigarette filters are biodegradable and made of natural fibers like cotton which can and will quickly break down. Unfortunately, since 1960, cigarette butts are made of out of cellulose acetate, which is essentially a plastic-like material which is not biodegradable and is easily manufactured. Fibers in cigarette butts have the same effect as plastic in our oceans. Even when UV rays from the sun break down the fibers into smaller parts, these smaller parts remain in our oceans, and they don't disappear quickly.


While smoking is allowed on Little French Key, the key has firm environmental guidelines which it kindly asks guests to abide. In addition, the cleanup crew at LFK is meticulous about removing every piece of debris, however small, on a daily basis.

Here are a few smoking guidelines which are in place at Little French Key:

  • Make sure cigarette butts stay out of the surrounding water.

  • Make sure all butt ends end up in designated cigarette receptacles.

  • Keep cigarette filters off the ground.


Little French Key is a natural coral paradise and we look forward to sharing it with you soon. Come visit and when you do, help us maintain and care for this beautiful piece of heaven.

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